National Electrical Benefit Fund

Enriching the Lives of Everyone We Touch

Access your 2024 1099-R now on the Online Benefits Portal



NEBF® and NEAP® Economic Impacts of Real Estate Investments

This report quantifies the economic, social and fiscal impacts of real estate investments that the National Electrical Benefit Fund and the National Electrical Annuity Plan made on behalf of electrical workers during the period of 2012 through 2020. The report shows that, in addition to earning profitable investment returns to provide a secure source of income for retired electrical workers, these real estate investments have played a vital role in sustaining the Plans’ financial security by creating opportunities for NECA contractors and jobs for IBEW members. Click here to view this report.


Please note: For the safety and security of our staff, NEBF® will be allowing in-office visitors by appointment only. Please call our office at 301-556-4300 to schedule an appointment between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm.


Welcome to the National Electrical Benefit Fund


This website is designed to provide educational information on the National Electrical Benefit Fund (NEBF®). It is not individualized and is not intended to serve as the primary or sole basis for your entitlement to pension benefits. This website cannot cover all of the details of the Plan; it is an overview. The Plan governs all questions concerning benefits, rights and responsibilities under the Plan. In the event of a conflict between the website and the Plan, the Plan will govern.
There have been many changes to the Plan since it was established. Your benefit is generally based on the rules of the NEBF at the time you begin receiving a benefit. Therefore, before making any decision that could affect your rights or responsibilities under the Plan — such as a decision to retire — you should contact the NEBF office and ask about how the Plan applies to your situation. If you have any questions about the NEBF, you should contact the NEBF office.




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