If you do not have 140 credited hours in an eligibility (work) month even with your banked hours, you can make up to twelve (12) consecutive monthly self-payments to cover the difference between your credited hours and the number of hours needed to satisfy the 140-hour rule.
An additional twelve-month self-pay period will be allowed if you return to covered employment and have at least 100 credited hours during an eligibility (work) month that corresponds with, or immediately follows, a benefit month during which you were eligible because of a self-payment for short hours. Additional twelve-month self-pay periods will be allowed without limit as long as you continue to meet the 100-hour requirement.
You are only entitled to a self-pay period if you are an active employee who is already covered under the Plan when your hours shortage occurs. Self-payment amounts will be determined by multiplying the hours you are short of 140 times the current hourly contribution rate. The due date for short hours self-payments is the last day of the benefit month for which the payment is being made.