National Electrical Annuity Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

Who makes the NEAP℠ contribution?
All contributions are made each month by covered employers on behalf of their eligible employees.

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Who decides how much is contributed? How is the amount determined?
The amount contributed on your behalf can be found in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between your employer and the IBEW Local Union. The amount is negotiated by your employer and the Local Union.

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When did my company start making contributions to NEAP℠ on my behalf?
Your employer started making contributions to NEAP℠ on your behalf starting with your first hour of NEAP covered employment.

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Will I receive a monthly account balance statement?
No. Quarterly, NEAP will mail a statement to you showing the balance of your individual account for the previous quarter. This statement will also show all contributions made to NEAP on your behalf and your individual account's investment performance.

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How can I get account balance information?
You can obtain an update of the balance in your individual account by email to, or you can submit a signed, written request to NEAP.

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Can I view my individual account online?

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How many hours do I need to work to be vested in the Plan?
You are considered vested when you have worked 160 hours in covered employment during the period beginning with your first day of covered employment and ending on December 31 of the following year.

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