National Electrical Benefit Fund

Enriching the Lives of Everyone We Touch

The National Electrical Contractors Association’s (NECA) 119 Chapters are designated local collection agents for the National Electrical Benefit Fund (NEBF). Each NECA Chapter is required to collect from the covered employers in their jurisdiction the required contributions at the time and in the manner specified by the NEBF.
Your Chapter's Role

NECA Chapters and the NEBF work together in a partnership that plays an important role in a participant’s retirement. The NECA Chapter’s primary role is to collect from the covered employers, in their jurisdiction, the required contributions and forward to the NEBF in a timely manner as specified by the NEBF. It is critically important that the NEBF receive complete and accurate data when the employer submits their payroll reports to the NEBF.

Additionally, by using NEBF’s electronic Employer Status Notification, NECA Chapters can be notified when an employer starts or stops working in their jurisdiction. As a result collections are performed with greater accuracy, minimizing employers who are mislabeled as delinquent.

NECA Chapters also play an important role in identifying delinquent employers and assist in the collections of delinquent contributions.